Keith's Electronic Domicile
Keith Martin
Prof. Keith Martin
Information Security Group
Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham,Surrey TW20 0EX
United Kingdom

Tel. +44 1784 443099
Who am I? Research

I am a Professor in the Information Security Group at Royal Holloway.

I am Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Cyber Security for the Everyday at Royal Holloway.

I have broad research interests in cyber security, particularly
key management, and

geopolitical aspects of cyber security.

Places I have worked

The Spare Room


Research interests

RA/PhD researchers

My popular science book  Cryptography:
The Key to Digital
How it Works and
Why it Matters
(W.W. Norton) was
published in 2020.
Teaching, Writing, Speaking
Cyber Security Foundations
I teach on Royal Holloway's campus and distance MSc in Information Security
and University of London's MSc in Cyber Security on the Coursera platform.

I write for and speak to media, technical press, general audiences and schools - feel free to make a request,
   CyberSecurity Foundations
Miscellaneous articles
Videos and audio
Speaking to schools and other audiences

Cyber Security Foundations (Kogan Page) is a textbook published in 2025 that serves as an introduction to both the technical and societal aspects of cyber security.
The second edition of my textbook Everyday
Cryptography  (OUP) was published in June 2017.


Information Security Group
Royal Holloway